Company Profile
We have been designing and manufacturing trusses rafters for house builders since 1991 (originally as TRW Timber Engineering Ltd).
We changed the name to The Roof Truss Company (Northern) Ltd in 2000 when we moved into our current large site in Washington. In 2004 we built a second factory unit on the same site.
Roof Truss has 17 permanent employees.
In 2006 we set up a sister company – The Floor Joist Company (Northern) Ltd – to provide a complementary service to house builders.
Policies and procedures
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Showing factory safety features such as machine guards and ear protectors The company is committed to the highest standards of health & safety and full compliance with all relevant Health, Safety and Environmental Legislation. This policy seeks to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, plant and machinery and systems of work. This policy fulfils the legal requirements under Section 2 (3) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.
The company considers that the area of health & safety provides a sound basis for co-operation between management and all employees if the highest standards are to be achieved.
- Set and maintain a generally healthy working environment for employees, which is safe and without risk to health, and to adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare at work throughout the company.
- Ensure that employees are informed, trained and supervised to these standards and that their responsibility to work accordingly is understood.
- Provide within the company the means for the collection, dissemination and discussion of reliable up to date and authoritative information on health & safety matters.
- Provide employees with the information and training to enable them to fulfil their statutory responsibilities.
- Ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that customers, contractors, visitors and others are not exposed to health & safety risks arising from the undertaking of the company.
- Require all levels of management and supervisory staff to ensure that all health and safety statutory obligations are adhered to at all times and are aware of their responsibilities pertaining to the policy.
- Ensure that all employees and sub-contractors are aware of their legal responsibilities and carry out their work in a safe and proper manner.
- a) Take reasonable care of their own health & safety and that of others may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- b) Co-operate with management to enable them to fulfil any statutory obligations.
- c) Not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for their health & safety and welfare.
The company will ensure that facilities exist for effective consultation in an effort to control unhealthy or unsafe conditions, and control and reduce accidents and occupational ill health within the company where it is felt there is a need.
The company will provide all the necessary resources to fulfil its obligations under this policy and will fully support all those who endeavour to implement the requirements of the policy.
Environmental Policy Statement
This policy covers all aspects related to the environment and applies to all the company’s operations.
Wherever possible the most stringent internal and environmental criteria will be followed. The company does and will continue to provide evidence of compliance with current and future environmental standards.
- Commit management resources to implement this environmental policy by the introduction of an effective system throughout.
- Monitor and report progress against agreed targets and objectives.
- Only use materials from a safe and renewable source of supply.
- Seek to re-use, recycle and recover raw materials and waste.
- Seek to conserve scarce and non-renewable resources, such as energy, in all operations.
- Aim to maintain the highest degree of control on emissions and discharges of materials to the environment and endeavour to reduce the impact of such emissions to the environment.
- Conduct regular checks of practices and procedures and respond to any deficiencies identified through a planned programme of remedial action.
- Continue to minimise environmental risks by raising employees’ awareness, employing safe technologies and operating procedures.
- Continue to be attentive to the needs of local residents and their ecology so as far as its operational activities are concerned.
- Seek to ensure that suppliers and contractors to the company do not operate to environmental standards that conflict with the company’s own environmental policy.
Other policies
We have a number of other policies and procedures in place to ensure that the company runs efficiently and complies with all appropriate legislation and guidelines. If you would like further information on any of our policies and procedures please click here to get in touch.